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FFF16 2-Minute Movie Contest Winners

fff16dinosaur1The Fargo Film Festival congratulates Ning Cheng as the 2016 first place winner of the 2-Minute Movie Contest.

Cheng’s animated short “Dinosaur” was chosen by judges as the winning work from nearly fifty submitted movies. Cheng is a graduate of Cal Arts.

The second place movie, “Sport in the Land of Plenty,” is director Matt Reynolds’ surreal animation featuring music by Nacho Cano (a.k.a. Twin Cabins).

Third place went to Cassie Passantino’s “Flowers Can’t Talk.”

Thanks to all the moviemakers who shared their work for the showcase. The 2-Minute Movie Contest will return in 2017.

2-Minute Movie Contest at FFF16


The Fargo Film Festival is excited to announce the 2016 program of 2-Minute Movie Contest entries.

The fun begins at 9:45 p.m. on Friday, March 18, 2016 at the Historic Fargo Theatre. Admission is two dollars and tickets are available at the door.

1976 (Aggressive)
20 Minutes of Kite Flying (Cy Kuckenbaker)
3:33 (Kathryn Garelli)
Animation Hotline (Dustin Grella)
Balls (Mimi Leung)
Blaze and Frankie (Reilly Myklebust and Jessi Schmit)
Bonjour Paris (Tyler Fairbank)
Boulderdash (Hanna Loegering)
Cage (Ning Cheng)
California Inspires Me: Kim Gordon (Freddy Arenas)
Cannibal Nuns (Eric Wicklund)
The Card Trick That Killed Logic’s Family (Aaron Crume)
Clementine (Shane Reetz)
CoCo Taxi (Janet Bayliss)
Cthupid (Giovanni Braggio)
Dinosaur (Ning Cheng)
Diorama (Iskander Krayenbosch)
Dog and Lobe: An Homage (Matt McGregor)
Ephemeral Passion (Daria Belikov)
Fine Line (Chris Parsons)
Flowers Can’t Talk (Cassie Passantino)
Freedom (Richa Deo)
Glore (Nicos Livesey)
Hero’s Journey (Iskander Krayenbosch)
Hummingbird’s Wings (Dustin Grella)
I’ll Be Home (Justin Schroepfer)
I’m Busy (Carmel Gatchalian)
If the Cuckoo Don’t Crow (Steve Kirby)
Insight (Kim Laughton)
Just Like Today (Isabella Olaguera)
Light (Stpehen Ong)
Money (Mimi Leung)
Movie Phone Super Call (Burger Fiction)
New York City (Aaron Crume)
The Other Side of the Mirror (Jane Maloney)
People of Nowhere (Lior Sperandeo)
Poetry Perception (Caitlin Craggs)
Sartre’s Cookbook (Bailey Tillman, Tyler Aldous, Josh Palmquist)
Siamese Brutality (Winston Hacking)
Siliconscious (Kim Laughton)
Sorry (Olivia Malesco)
Sport in the Land of Plenty (Matt Reynolds)
Thunder Mountain Monument (Janet Bayliss)
Trick or Treat (Sarah Takash)
Tunnel (Nick Haaf)
Water and the Path of Life (Abi Karl, et al.)
What the Wings Bring (Deb Wallwork)