The Fargo Film Festival is excited to showcase “Ruin Me,” a horror feature in which the reluctant Alex (Marcienne Dwyer) tags along for “Slasher Sleepout,” an extreme event that is part camping trip, part haunted house, and part escape room. But when the fun turns deadly, Alex has to play the game if she wants to make it out alive.
Key members of the “Ruin Me” production team, including writer/director Preston DeFrancis, writer Trysta Bissett, and star Marcienne Dwyer, will attend the screening and share a conversation with the audience following the film.
Preceded by the special short subject selection “Your Date Is Here,” “Ruin Me” begins at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 22 at the Fargo Theatre. Tickets are now available at the Fargo Theatre box office.