The 2017 Fargo Film Festival will feature three lunch panels at Dempsey’s Public House. The panels begin at noon each day.
Space is strictly limited, so do not hesitate to contact the Fargo Theatre box office for ticket availability.
Real Life Meets Cinema, moderated by Matt Olien, will feature directors Chris Brown (“The Other Kids”), Greg Carlson (“On the Wall, Off the Chain”), and Melina Tupa (“The Search”).
Friday, March 24
Intimate Portraits: Personal Stories on Film, moderated by Margie Bailly, will feature director Serena Dykman (“Nana”), director Katy Grannan (“The Nine”), screenwriter and actor Isaak Love (“Gratus”), and director Samuel Sprynczynatyk (“Uncle Albert”).
Saturday, March 25
Short and Sweet: Exploring the Short Form Documentary and Narrative, moderated by Janet Brandau, will feature actor Jay Abdo (“Bon Voyage”), actor Paul Bailey (“The Last One”), director John Fortson (“Rated”), and director David Larson (“Throw”).